February Title III Newsletters
Early Childhood Newsletter Early Childhood Newsletter in Spanish Elementary Newsletter Elementary Newsletter in Spanish Middle School Newsletter Middle School Newsletter in Spanish High School . . .

November Title lll Parent Engagement
Early Childhood English Early Childhood Spanish Elementary English Elementary Spanish Middle School English Middle School Spanish High School English High School Spanish

May Title III Parent Engagement Newsletters
May Early Childhood Newsletter May Elementary Newsletter May High School Newsletter May Middle School Newsletter May Spanish Early Childhood May Spanish Elementary Newsletter May Spanish High School . . .

Parent and Family Engagement Connection- Vol. 17, 2021 3rd Quarter
YEARBOOKS $40 from Nov. 14-Dec 15
Valley 20-21 Yearbooks are on sale...ONLINE SALES-- Nov. 14-Dec 15 They will be $40 After Christmas from Jan. 15-Feb 15 they will be $45 From Feb. 16-March 15 they will be $50 Please buy yours today! If you want to . . .

October Title III Parent Engagement Newsletters
Elementary Newsletter (English) Elementary Newsletter (Spanish) Middle School Newsletter (English) Middle School Newsletter (Spanish) High School Newsletter . . .

Please visit the following link for infomation about bacterial meningitis. https://www.dshs.texas.gov/immunize/school/meningitis-information-for-students---parents/
Special Education
Transition in Texas
This guide is intended to provide information for students and their parents on statewide services and programs that assist in the transition to life outside the public school system. https://www.transitionintexas.org/guide Texas . . .